Monday, January 2, 2012

2012: The Time is Now, Your Legacy is Forever

Happy 2012 Friends!
It's a new year! January 1st marks a clean slate, a time for people to re-evaluate their lives and make improvements in their life that will hopefully lead to a prosperous future. 

When discussing New Year's Resolutions with friends or family, I always hear, "I am giving up alcohol" or "I'm going to give up fast food and "I am going to stop using curse words." While, those are all commendable goals, I feel like we tend to focus on giving something up or eliminating something bad from our lives that will be for our sole benefit.

I am a big believer in Karma and receiving back the same energy you put out into the world. So, it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to add something to my life this new year that allows me to connect more with others, which will in turn, actually enrich my life a lot more than just having "me" focused goals. It could be something as small as making an effort to text or call a friend/family member you haven't talked to in a while once a week to big as signing up for a mission trip, they are both significant. Whatever it is, the positive energy you emit when you are generous to a family member, thoughtful with a friend, or philanthropic in your activities will come back to you ten fold. I find this to be a much more rewarding new year's resolution, there are so many benefits! By these small actions, you can enrich your life by developing new friendships, learning from a priceless mentor, build more quality business contacts, and increase your network of love and positivity. 

Here are 6 easy examples of ways you can add to your personal and professional life that will improve your karma:

1. Download Bloom app on your smart phone. It allows you to set reminders with images and music and then schedule them to pop up on your phone throughout the week. For instance, one of my reminders is: "Text or call a friend I haven't talked to in a while." It's beautiful what happens when you remember people who are important to you, you will likely start hearing from them a lot more!
2. Acts of kindness. If you see someone's favorite candy at a store, and you are about to see them, pick it up and surprise them! This small gesture will mean so much and let that friend know they are meaningful.
3. Make a little sacrifice. If your brother or sister is about to go eat and they ask you to accompany them, even if you already ate...go anyway and just order a drink. It's about the companionship.
4. Interact with your followers on your social media accounts. Don't just put information out there and let people comment without responding to them. Show your appreciation and try to reply to each person who writes you. People will be more likely to re-tweet you and support your endeavors when you have made them feel important.
5. Support a charity. There are so many charities and non-profits in your communities. Be the change you want to see in the world and get involved. Volunteering just once a month is great! You can volunteer at a soup kitchen; tutor kids who are under-privileged; join a non profit organization and serve on a committee; or if you love entertaining, you can host your own fund raising dinner party at your home for a charity you love! These websites, and are helpful in choosing one you like!
6. Are there people who have helped you get where you are now? Well, of course there are. Maybe you have lost touch with someone who sponsored you with your entry fee in the Miss ____ pageant or who made signs to cheer you on. Make a point to send those special people an email every now and then to let them know who haven't forgotten the sacrifice they made for you. Say, thank you. 

Keep yourself in check and remind yourself of not only the goals you want to obtain, but of the person you want to be on the inside. People talk about a year of prosperity and abundance, the way to do that is to send goodness in the world in order to receive it in return. Be giving, thoughtful, remain humble and go out and make your mark in the world. The time is now, your legacy is forever. How will they remember you?